Installation Guidelines
1. Transair pipe and hoses: Transair pipe should be protected from
mechanical impact, particularly if exposed to collision with fork-lift trucks
or when sited in an environment with moving overhead loads. Similarly,
rotation of the pipe and pipe supports should be avoided. Transair pipe
must not be welded.
2. Expansion and contraction: Expansion and contraction of the system
should be calculated prior to installation. The system designer and installer
should calculate the elongation or retraction of each Transair line
according to the recommendations in this installation guide.
3. Situation to avoid: Installation within a solid mass (concrete, foam, etc.),
the hanging of any external equipment to Transair pipe, the use of Transair
for grounding or as a support for electrical equipment, and exposure to
chemicals that are incompatible.
4. When assembling Transair connectors, do not interchange the nuts
with different Transair bodies due to our calibration process.
1. Cutting the pipe:
place the pipe in the pipe cutter
position the blade onto the pipe
rotate the pipe cutter around the pipe
while gently tightening the wheel.
2. Carefully chamfer the outer edges.
3. Deburr the inner end of the pipe.
4. Drill the two clamp holes using the drilling
jig (6698 01 03) and the 1" drilling tool (6698
02 01).
Loosen the jig, release the pipe,
then deburr both holes. Ensure that all
outer and inner surfaces are smooth and
clear of burrs and potential sharp edges.
1. Unscrew one of the connector nuts and fit over the pipe
2. Position the double clamp ring in the appropriate housings
(two holes at the end of the pipe)
3. Bring the nut towards the body, which were previously positioned
at the end of the pipe, until it stops against the double clamp
4. Tighten the nut by hand
5. Bring the two pipes together
6. Complete the assembly by 1/2 rotation with Transair tightening
spanners (ref. 6698 05 03)
To disconnect, perform the same operations in reverse order
Lateral Dismantling
1. Loosen the connector nuts on the
ends of the pipe to be removed
2. Slide them along the pipe
3. Remove the snap rings from their housings
4. Slide the clamps and the connector body along the pipe which is to be removed
5. Repeat the operation at the other end of the pipe and laterally remove the pipe, complete with the assembly components is owned and operated by mdi, Manufacturers Distributor, Inc. mdi is an Authorized Parker Transair Piping System Distributor. Click Here to view the mdi Line Sheet.
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