Free Transair® System Design & Estimate

Let our factory trained representatives assist in the design of your Transair® compressed air system.
We specialize in optimizing all aspects of the estimate from pipe size to layout design, to ensure proper air distribution and cost efficient solutions for any budget. All we need is a dimensional drawing, blueprint, PDF, rough sketch or take off list to best understand how we can provide the best service possible to issue a detailed and competitive quote estimate. Below are some basic questions to get the quick process started. You can fill out the online form below or email our Transair® Project Design Team at: Please provide as much detail as possible to all that apply.
  • What are we connecting to? (i.e 2” NPT @ compressor receiver)
  • What are the PSI, HP and CFM specs on your compressor?

  • What is the height of the main line from the finished floor?
  • Type of structure to hang pipe from? (i.e wooden trusses, steel I-beams)

  • How many lateral feet of pipe is the main header line? Is this a straight line system or loop?
  • How many drops are needed?
  • What is needed on drops? (i.e Down 15’ from header to terminate into 1” NPT with ball valve)

Additional Equipment
  • Do you need a quote on the compressor? – Click Here
  • Do you need a quote on the dryer? – Click Here

blue print

Transair® Compressed Air System Design Request Form

General Information

Required fields are marked with (*).

End-User/Self-Installer    Supply House    Reseller    Govt    Export    Contractor
Defense Contractor    Aerospace    NDA

Technical Requirements/Specifications

Attach Blue Print/Dimensional Drawing

1. Click "Choose Files"
2. Navigate to the folder that contains the file(s)
3. Select the file. Hold down the "Ctrl" Key to select multiple files (Up to 4 files. Total Max 20mb).
4. Click "Open"

Additional Information

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We do not sell, trade, rent, or otherwise retransmit any Personally Identifiable Information to third parties unless we have your permission. Any Personally Identifiable Information you provide to us will be used for your purchases and retained in hard copy form of the original invoice as well as within our database system, which generates our invoices. This website is CCPA Compliant.
Read Our Complete Privacy Policy Here

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mdi is owned and operated by mdi, Manufacturers Distributor, Inc. mdi is an Authorized Parker Transair Piping System Distributor. Click Here to view the mdi Line Sheet.